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26 October 2019

Jack and his Amazing Beanstalk - Tickets on Sale!


Jack and his Amazing Beanstalk Poster

When Jack takes their odd looking cow to be milked he meets Jill - but what happens next is not quite what they expect. When his mum Dame Lumber finds out she tells them they have to sell the cow or they'll have nothing to eat!  Unfortunately this doesn't quite go Jack's way either and all he ends up with is a handful of beans.

Meanwhile, Baron Landscape the nasty land developer, wants the whole forest for himself so he can chop down all the trees and evict all the villagers.  Will he succeed? Plus there are all those strange noises that keep coming from the clouds - legend has it there's a giant up there!

With loads of laughs, and a script specially written by our very own Culter Theatre Club members, this show promises to be a hilarious clamber up the beanstalk for all ages!

Ticket Bookings

Book now Tickets are available online with payment by debit or credit card. Alternatively, you may purchase tickets in person from Culter Village Hall. Please note that once booked, tickets cannot be refunded.

Organisation Group Bookings

If you're booking for a large organisation group, and would like to pay by cheque or bank transfer, please email us at tickets@cultertheatreclub.co.uk with your requirements and we'll be happy to help you out.

Business Sponsors

We're always very grateful to our local business sponsors who either advertise in our programme or donate raffle prizes.  If your business is interested, please download our business sponsor letter for more information or just get in touch. 

Categories: Panto | Jack & The Beanstalk | Tickets

14 August 2019

Jack & The Beanstalk Auditions 2019

Jack & The BeanstalkThis year our Christmas panto will be "Jack & The Beanstalk", and as usual that means it's almost time to get started with rehearsals!

Ever thought you'd like to have a go on stage? Well now's the time to come along to the auditions and show us your stuff. This year our script has once again been written by some of our very talented theatre club members, Mary Sommerville and Kerwin Robertson, so we'll be sure to have a great laugh with our hand crafted jokes and local knowledge!

Whether you want one of the main parts, a supporting role, or just to be one of our great chorus, young or old, we'd love for you to come along.

Tuesday 27th or Thursday 29th August
Culter Village Hall

  • Children aged 10-12 years: 7:30pm
  • Children aged 13-16 years: 8:15pm
  • Adults & Over 16s: 9:00pm
Please can you download, complete and bring along a performance registration form.  There are some forms available on the night, but children must have an adult with them to sign it, and it will save time if you have yours completed and ready!

Excerpts from the script, songs and dances will be available on the night (you don't have to memorise anything!). There are parts to suit everyone!  Interested in a part?  These are the available characters:
  • Jack, our hero (M/F)
  • Jill, his love interest and secret princess (F)
  • Dame Lumber (M)
  • Simon, the fool. (M)
  • Daisy the cow, a two-person role. (M/F)
  • Baron Landscape, the baddie (M)
  • Dave the henchman (M)
  • King Lee (M)
  • Queen Bea (F)
  • The Giant (M/F)
  • Fairy Godmother (F)
  • Baby Root (M/F)

Want to help out backstage?  Come along and introduce yourself on one of the audition nights, and let us know what you're interested in!


Categories: Auditions | Jack & The Beanstalk | Panto

12 February 2019

Annual General Meeting 2019

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 5th March 2019 @ 7.30pm - Annual General Meeting

The committee will be proposing a motion to adopt a revised constitution for the club at the AGM this year, a copy of which can be downloaded here.  If you have any comments that you wish to make prior to the meeting please get in touch and let us know.
It’s that time of year again when we have the Culter Theatre Club AGM at Culter Village Hall. We'll provide reports on the club, look back at what we've accomplished in 2018, and let you know what we're planning for 2019 - and give you the opportunity to let us know what you'd like to do! We'll also be providing an update on finances and the accounts.
We are always looking for new members to join the committee to allow us to continue putting on productions to the high standard we are known for. Our club members have a wide range of talents, from acting, singing, set painting, costume making, lighting and sound, painting, set construction and prop making. If you feel you can help us in any way, whether back stage or on stage we need you.
The future of the Club rests with the people that give their time and talents to help organise things, and we currently do not have enough people to do that. We urgently require Directors, Producers, Musical Directors and committee members for the club to continue.
The AGM will run from 7.30pm and we'll have some refreshments available. Kids - please ask you mums and dads to come along to the AGM if possible. We look forward to seeing you there.
Kerwin Robertson
Culter Theatre Club

Categories: AGM

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Wed 4th December Available
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Saturday 7th December (Matinée) Available
Saturday 7th December Available

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Updated 23rd October 2024.


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