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31 October 2022

Beauty and the Beast 2022 - Tickets On Sale Now!

Beauty and the Beast Poster

Prince Rowan is travelling the country with his friend Thomas before settling down to marry the Princess Horridana according to a betrothal at birth. With him are his nurse Madam Lotte and her son Charlie. They arrive at the village of Prettybelle where Rowan meets Beauty, the daughter of Panisse, a local merchant. He falls instantly in love with her and vows to return after breaking his engagement to Horridana, however at his castle Rowan feels the full wrath of Horridana's anger when he tries to break the marriage agreement. She uses her powers to turn him into a hideous Beast.  Will anyone ever learn to love him and break the spell?

With laughs, music, song and dance, and a whole host of lovable characters brought to life by our amazing Culter Theatre Club members, this show promises to be a magical event for all ages!

Tickets are on sale now - but don't delay, as we always sell out fast!

7th-10th December 2022 at 7.30pm and matineé on 10th December at 2pm.

Book now

Categories: Beauty & The Beast | Panto | Tickets

21 August 2022

Beauty and the Beast Auditions 2022

Beauty & The Beast

This year after a two year hiatus, we're back with our Christmas panto!  Our chosen panto this time will be "Beauty and the Beast", and as usual that means it's time to get started with rehearsals!

Ever thought you'd like to have a go on stage? Well now's the time to come along to the auditions and show us your stuff.

Whether you want one of the main parts, a supporting role, or just to be one of our great chorus, young or old, we'd love for you to come along.

Tuesday 30th August or Thursday 1st September
Culter Village Hall

  • Children aged 10-12 years: 7:30pm
  • Children aged 13-16 years: 8:00pm
  • Adults & Over 16s: 8:30pm

To attend the auditions, please REGISTER ONLINE HERE

Excerpts from the script, songs and dances will be available on the night (you don't have to memorise anything!). There are parts to suit everyone!  Interested in a part?  These are the available characters:

  • Beauty - Just as her name suggests.
  • Prince Rowan - Handsome Leading Man (could be played by Principal Boy)
  • Horridana - A Sorceress - A strong determined woman.
  • Madam Lotte - The Pantomime Dame
  • Charlie - Madame Lotte's son. Good comic timing!
  • Panisse - White haired, absent minded father to Beauty
  • Fifi - Flirtatious girlfriend to Charlie
  • Thomas - Servant and friend to the Prince
  • Renée or Yvette - The Innkeeper
  • Rose Fairy - Charming and sensitive
  • Henri or Jacques - Castle Servants
  • Messenger - Small chorus feature part
  • Moaning Martha - Chorus Cameo Role
  • Chorus (Singing/Dancing)

Want to help out backstage? 

Just come along and introduce yourself on one of the audition nights, and let us know what you're interested in!

Categories: Auditions | Beauty & The Beast | Panto

16 February 2013

Rita Hunter Award 2012: "Star Performer"

Colin Jones presenting Rita Hunter award to Callum TurnerLast night Culter Theatre Club had a get together of cast and crew to celebrate the success of our most recent pantomime, Beauty and the Beast, which was enjoyed by hundreds of people over five shows just before Christmas.

As part of the evening, we also remembered Rita Hunter, who had been a member of the club for over twenty years and was a cast member in the club’s very first Pantomime, Robin Hood and his Merry Loons, playing the part of “The Fairy Queen” back in 1992.  Sadly, Rita passed away last year, but over the years she had been involved in all aspects of the theatre club, from performing on stage, creating costumes and being part of the production team, to writing scripts and directing.

Rita was always an encouragement to other club members, and a real support and mentor to many.  For that reason the club felt that one way to remember her, and to continue that encouragement she gave, would be to have an annual award in her name which celebrates some aspect of the work that a member of the club has achieved over the previous year.  This could be from any aspect of putting on a show; for particular flair on stage, superb set design or backstage work, to being a genius on the follow spot!

This year therefore, after a unanimous committee decision, I was very pleased to be able to present the Rita Hunter Award Shield to our “Star Performer”, Callum Turner (16) from Newtonhill.  Callum is one of the pupils at Camphill School Aberdeen and he has come from just watching the panto, to this time being right up there on stage doing a fantastic job with lines, singing, and dancing as one of Gustave’s Gang.  His boundless energy and enthusiasm was an encouragement to all the cast and crew, and his honesty and commitment through all the many weeks of rehearsals and the show itself was a true example to us all.  A well-deserved recipient of the Rita Hunter Award for 2012, our congratulations and best wishes from all the club go to Callum Turner.  Well done!

Colin Jones
Culter Theatre Club Chairman

Categories: Awards | Beauty & The Beast | Panto

9 December 2012

Photos from Beauty & The Beast

Beauty & The Beast Cast

So another panto year is over, and we hope that you all had as much fun watching as the players did in performing the Culter Theatre Club's Christmas Panto 2012, Beauty & The Beast.  Our five nights were a sell out, and our closing night performance gained a standing ovation!

So sit back and take a browse through some our our candid shots from the performances, relive the moments if you were there, have a look and see if you can recognise anyone if you weren't, and see if you can spot your favourite characters from the cast! 

Photo GallerySee the gallery and programme on the Beauty & The Beast 2012 page.

Categories: Beauty & The Beast | Panto

2 December 2012

Want to know how long there is to go?

How LongWell, as if you weren't excited enough about our opening night, you can now keep an eye on exactly how long there is left before it's "Showtime!".  We've added a groovy little countdown timer that's going to tick away until the moment the panto opens for our first performance at 7.30pm on Wednesday night. 

So if you weren't sure how long you've got to wait, keep checking the website right here, and you'll find out! :)

Categories: Beauty & The Beast | General | Panto

28 November 2012

The Final Countdown… One week to go!

Keith, Jen, Sara, Leanne and ChristianWell in just a week's time the show will open, so the final finishing touches are being put all over the place.  From glitter on the scenery to, well, glitter on the cast - as you can see from the photo!

Everyone is really excited now, with the last couple of straight rehearsals this week, followed by our "Technical Rehearsal" this weekend.  The technical rehearsal is where all our backstage crew have their main run through of the show with the cast.  This allows them to work out the final details of how to get scenery moved at the right times, lighting and sound checked, and any special effects sorted out.

Then next week, that will be followed by our full dress rehearsal, where everyone runs the show in its entirety: costumes, makeup, lights, band absolutely everything, so that the show has been run completely before our opening night on Wednesday.

Hopefully you've got your tickets already because, as you'll see, we've now sold out every night.  Once again thanks to all our many supporters out there - we're so looking forward to seeing you on the night, and we hope you are too!

Categories: Beauty & The Beast | Panto

20 November 2012

The last rose withers… time is running out…

Hour GlassWell that's us just two weeks aways from opening night, and everything is gathering momentum for the big performance week.  Stage and sets are being constructed, costumes prepared and of course the cast are busy memorising those tricky bits of dialogue! (How many different ways can I say that line wrong!?)

It has to be said that there's a certain excitement rising throughout the whole club - as well as perhaps a mild sense of panic as the last polish is applied to those lines, songs and dances.  No one wants to be up there on stage with the "startled bunny" expression come opening night.  So we're all going at it to rehearse, rehearse, rehearse in order to put on the best show for all of our supporters out there.

On that note, it's worth mentioning that tickets have been selling like hot cakes as usual.  You'll see on the right hand side that availability is now getting very limited on most nights, and the Saturday matinée performance sold out a while back.  So if you haven't booked your tickets yet, don't delay - we'd hate for you to miss out because you didn't get your tickets in time!

Categories: Beauty & The Beast | Panto | Tickets

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Category: Beauty & The Beast

Cinderella 2024

Performance Tickets
Wed 4th December Available
Thursday 5th December Available
Friday 6th December Available
Saturday 7th December (Matinée) Available
Saturday 7th December Available

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Updated 23rd October 2024.


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