Culter Theatre Club needs you!
Culter Theatre Club has a busy schedule this year with
another run of the very popular “Allo Allo” on the 7-9th of
September, tickets are available on-line this year, and details can be found on
our website and Facebook pages.
Straight after, we will be working hard on our annual
pantomime, which this year is “Snow White”, keep a look out for our audition
notices around August this year.
To do all of this we need a great cast, director, producers,
musical director, choreographer, stage crew, dress makers, make up artists,
lighting and sound technicians, set builders and painters, prop makers, stage
mangers etc.
For all the people you see on stage, there are just as many
back stage and behind the scenes, each one playing a vital role in each
Every year we get a lot of people auditioning to be on
stage, far to many to give everyone a role, however we only get a few people
coming forward that want to help backstage.
With the natural progression of people through the club we
always find ourselves with plenty of cast but not enough people willing to
direct, produce, choreograph and all the other roles the club needs to continue
putting on the productions of the quality we are so famous for.
It is now getting to a stage where we are finding it very
hard to put on productions.
We have a brilliant cast, a magnificent stage, state of the
art lighting, sound and projection facilities. We play to 1200 people every
year for the Panto, hopefully some of those people can help us.
We urgently need some brilliant Directors, Producers,
Choreographers, Musical Directors and all those other vital roles if we are to
continue to function as a club.
If you want to help, or know someone that can, please get in
touch with me for an informal chat, I’m happy to show you the facilities we
Kerwin Robertson
Culter Theatre Club.
Categories: General