Ever thought you'd like to have a go on stage? Well now's the time
to come along and show us your stuff. As ever, we've got great plans as always for the show, and whether you want one
of the main parts, a supporting role, or just to be one of our great
chorus, young or old, we'd love for you to come along. So add the date to
your diary today:
Thursday 18th or Tuesday 23rd August
Culter Village Hall
Children aged 10-16: 7pm-8:30pm
Adults & Over 16s: 8:30pm-10pm
Excerpts from the script, songs and dances will be available on the
night (you don't have to memorise anything!).
So come along and let us see your talent to celebrate 25 years of CTC!
Thought about backstage?
As well as our performers on stage, putting on any show takes a huge
amount of effort from the people working behind the scenes. From
lighting and sound, to costumes, set, props and more, there are a whole
load of different things to get involved in.
If you'd like to get involved we'd love to hear from you! You don't
need any experience - just enthusiasm to help out, and if you're
interested in some of the more technical aspects of the show, we'd love
to show you the ropes there too.
Interested? Come along to one of the audition nights and let us have
your contact details, ask questions and say hello, or contact us on our
website directly.
Categories: Peter Pan