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19 July 2013

Culter Theatre Club Needs You!

Well it seems that summer is well and truly here at the moment – I hope you’re able to make the most of it and enjoy some of our rare summer weather!  At the last committee meeting we were looking at a couple of things we’d like to do this autumn.  Some of you may know that unfortunately we weren’t able to get the grant for our sound and lighting, so we’re going to have to fund it ourselves – not to worry though, as we’ve got a couple of ideas for things – but we need your help…

Heritage Hall Teas
7th and 8th September

We’re looking for volunteers to:

a)    Provide us with home baking; and
b)    Help serve at the heritage hall on the Saturday and/or Sunday between 2-4pm

If you think you can help with either – or both of these then reply to this email.
As it’s the theatre club we also thought we might be able to put on the occasional bit of cabaret while the teas are on – if you have an act, dramatic reading, song or anything you’d like to do on the day, again let us know by reply!

Evening Cabaret
Either 29th September or 5th October

We’d like to see if we can put on an evening cabaret so again we’re looking for:

a)    Acts, songs, readings – anything cabaret!
b)    A volunteer/s to be the contact person to help co-ordinate the acts.

We’ll be doing this in conjunction with the hall committee so they’ll be able to look after all the food and drink, tickets and everything else to do with the show – all the Theatre Club needs to do is organise the acts!  We’ll then be able to share the proceeds – part going to raise funds to redecorate the hall, and part to the Theatre Club funds for our sound/lighting project.  If you can make one of the dates but not the other, please let us know.


Let us know which one you’ll be able to help out on! 
We look forward to hearing from you - use our contact us form!

Categories: General | Mid-year Show

16 March 2013

Café René is now Closed.

Café René is ClosedWell it has come to the end, and unfortunately Café René is now closed.  We had a wonderful time serving all you lovely ladies and gentlemen, and we hope you found the ambience of Café René to your liking, and weren't disturbed too much by "ze goings on".

We would like to sincerely thank every one of you who came along to see the show, supported the club and hopefully thoroughly enjoyed themselves!! A special well done and thank you also goes out to everyone involved in putting on the show: our fabulous production team, backstage and technical crew, the front of house team, and of course the cast!

See you at panto time... watch this space!

Categories: Allo Allo | General | Mid-year Show

9 March 2013

Café René is almost ready to open its doors

WineWell folks, it's almost time for the doors of Café René to open once again.  Yvette, Mimi, Madame Edith, and indeed René himself (with one or two others... ;-) have been dusting off the glasses, ironing the tablecloths and sweeping the floors in preparation for your visit next week. 

We hope you're looking forward to coming along to enjoy the ambience of our little bistro.  Of course zer is a war on, so you might notice one or two "goings on" while you're enjoying your glass of wine and nibbles - Café René can get very busy, and you're sure to see quite a few characters going about their business.  We're confident however that it will all add to the je ne sais quoi of your evening.

So - don't forget to bring along something to drink - you may need a bottle or two, and we would of course welcome anyone who wishes to "dress appropriately" - this is the 1940s you know!

Categories: Allo Allo | General | Mid-year Show

20 February 2013

Now zer is a poster too!

Allo Allo 2013That's a new 'Allo 'Allo poster now available to download and print out. 

As you'll see we really only have tickets left now for the Wednesday night (which is printed on the poster).

So if you know people who are wanting to come and see the show, let them know that time is running out!

Please feel free to download and distribute the poster - why not put one up at work to let everyone know about the show?!

Categories: Allo Allo | General | Mid-year Show | Tickets

5 February 2013

'Allo! 'Allo! Are you receiving me?

TricoloreWith over a month to go, both Friday and Saturday nights are Sold Out and Thursday has only a few places left.  If you are planning on coming along to see 'Allo 'Allo this year (and there isn't going to be another run any time soon), then you really need to get your skates on and book your tickets!  We'd hate for you to miss out on this fabulous show!

Fortunately we still have tickets left for Wednesday night (and a limited few for Thursday), but don't delay, at the rate they're going there won't be many left for long! 

Categories: Allo Allo | General | Mid-year Show | Tickets

7 January 2013

Tickets for 'Allo 'Allo now on sale!

TicketsTickets for the show you've all been waiting for (again) are now on general release, so you can book your tickets for your great night out today.  As before, tickets often sell out fast, so don't delay - we wouldn't want you to miss out a second time - and a third run isn't likely any time soon!

The show is for over 18's only, and ticket prices are: 
£15 for adults / £12 for concessions

Please note that unfortunately we cannot take ticket requests through the website.  Please contact the village hall directly at the address on our contact page, or see a cast member for tickets to our shows.

Categories: Mid-year Show | Allo Allo | Tickets

5 December 2012

’Allo ’Allo: This is Nighthawk calling!

Allo Allo 2013Well, whether you're coming to see Beauty & The Beast tonight or over the next few days, we hope you like what you see, and come away having enjoyed the show with a spring in your step and a smile on your face.

We'd also like to see you again - and the next opportunity for that will be in March, when we'll be running our show ’Allo ’Allo, for the second time.  Some of you may know that we ran this show in May earlier this year, and it was such a sell-out success, that by popular demand we're bringing it back in 2013 so that even more of you can get to see it (we were sold out a month in advance last time, and many people were disappointed that they couldn't get tickets).

’Allo ’Allo is of course based on that well loved BBC TV series of the 80's, and the content is aimed at the more mature audience.  Well, when we say "mature" that's solely in terms of age of course!  So if you like a good sausage gag, and the painting of the Fallen Madonna (with the big you-know-whats) takes pride of place over your mantelpiece, then this show - heaped full of double entendres - is the show for you!  All that coupled with the fact that the theatre is set out "café bistro" style, with snacks and nibbles provided, and we have a "bring your own bottle" policy, means that you're sure to have a fantastic night out!

Tickets will be on sale in the new year, so watch this space for more information, and once they go on sale don't delay as we're expecting them to sell like hot cakes once again! 

Want to make sure you don't miss out? Why not subscribe to our mailing list (enter your email address in the box in the column on the right), to be notified of our latest news, events and ticket sales.

Categories: Allo Allo | General | Mid-year Show


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Category: Mid-year Show

Cinderella 2024

Performance Tickets
Wed 4th December Available
Thursday 5th December Available
Friday 6th December Available
Saturday 7th December (Matinée) Available
Saturday 7th December Available

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Updated 23rd October 2024.


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