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5 December 2012

’Allo ’Allo: This is Nighthawk calling!

Allo Allo 2013Well, whether you're coming to see Beauty & The Beast tonight or over the next few days, we hope you like what you see, and come away having enjoyed the show with a spring in your step and a smile on your face.

We'd also like to see you again - and the next opportunity for that will be in March, when we'll be running our show ’Allo ’Allo, for the second time.  Some of you may know that we ran this show in May earlier this year, and it was such a sell-out success, that by popular demand we're bringing it back in 2013 so that even more of you can get to see it (we were sold out a month in advance last time, and many people were disappointed that they couldn't get tickets).

’Allo ’Allo is of course based on that well loved BBC TV series of the 80's, and the content is aimed at the more mature audience.  Well, when we say "mature" that's solely in terms of age of course!  So if you like a good sausage gag, and the painting of the Fallen Madonna (with the big you-know-whats) takes pride of place over your mantelpiece, then this show - heaped full of double entendres - is the show for you!  All that coupled with the fact that the theatre is set out "café bistro" style, with snacks and nibbles provided, and we have a "bring your own bottle" policy, means that you're sure to have a fantastic night out!

Tickets will be on sale in the new year, so watch this space for more information, and once they go on sale don't delay as we're expecting them to sell like hot cakes once again! 

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Categories: Allo Allo | General | Mid-year Show

2 December 2012

Want to know how long there is to go?

How LongWell, as if you weren't excited enough about our opening night, you can now keep an eye on exactly how long there is left before it's "Showtime!".  We've added a groovy little countdown timer that's going to tick away until the moment the panto opens for our first performance at 7.30pm on Wednesday night. 

So if you weren't sure how long you've got to wait, keep checking the website right here, and you'll find out! :)

Categories: Beauty & The Beast | General | Panto

7 November 2012

It's not just about the actors…

Artistic EndeavoursEvery time we put on a show, the audience comes to see the performers on the stage.  But without the costumes, lights, sound and wonderful sets and scenery, I'm sure you'd agree that the shows wouldn't really be quite the same.

There's a whole raft of people who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make clothes and outfits, to design and paint amazing backdrops and props, to build intricate scenery mechanisms for special effects, and also to organise, cajole, instruct and guide on all the myriad of things that need to be done for the show to even get off the ground.  Not only are there all those creative types who make and build, but there's also the people who help organise the administration of everything, from buying rights to scripts and music, to organising and selling the tickets!

Culter Theatre club is always looking for new people to become part of the club - even if standing up on stage in front of a few hundred people several nights in a row isn't quite your thing, there are so many more opportunities for you to get involved.  So don't think you have to be the extrovert out there on stage, just get in touch with us if you want to get involved and help out in other ways too!

Categories: General | Mid-year Show | Panto

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Category: General

Allo Allo 2: The Camembert Caper

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Fri 14th June Last Few
Sat 15th June Sold Out
Thu 20th June Available
Fri 21st June Sold Out
Fri 22nd June Sold Out

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Updated 17th May 2024.


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