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11 February 2014

Auditions: Are You Free?


Hi All - although we know a lot of you were getting excited about Are You Being Served (as were we), unfortunately we're having to put that on the back burner for now. We simply haven't been able to get enough cast together - and it's a surprisingly large cast required for it.


Well we're now looking to get together a cast and crew for "Are You Being Served?", so we need performers who might be interested to come forward to be part of what promises to be a great laugh (and not just for the audience)!

So whether you're a long term club member, an old hand at amateur dramatics and theatre, or are just starting out and considering being part of something a little bit different, then we need you!

We have a read-through (where we get together as a group and go over the script), and also open auditions over the next two weeks, and we'd love you to come along to find out more, and to audition for parts.

  • READ-THROUGH:  Thursday 20th February
  • OPEN AUDITIONS:  Tuesday 25th February
    OPEN AUDITIONS:  Tuesday 4th March    <<<< EXTRA AUDTIONS

Both are at 7.30pm in the Peterculter Village Hall.  If you intend auditioning, we'd recommend that you try to come along to the read-through first (although it's not mandatory), as that way you'll find out about the script.

PLEASE NOTE: The show will be for adults only, so you must be over 18 to take part in the read-through and auditions.

If you intend coming along to one or both please let us know using the contact form - just so we know how many to expect!

Categories: Are You Being Served | General | Mid-year Show

6 February 2014

Are You Being Served…?

Are You Being Served

Well after the great success we had with 'Allo 'Allo again last year, the Culter Theatre Club Annual General Meeting has given the go ahead for the club to look at another classic sitcom from the 70's and 80's, "Are You Being Served?".  At the moment we're aiming to be able to put on a show in the first week of June this year.

Many of you will remember the lovable characters, including Mrs Slocombe with her wide variety of hair colours, the strict Captain Peacock, and of course, Mr Humphries with his catchphrase "I'm Free"!  Filled with laughs and the inevitable innuendo, it promises to be another great evening's entertainment.

The first committee meeting to start plans for the show takes place next week, and there'll be announcements for auditions soon after.  So whether you feel like treading the boards as one of the characters, or just want to come along and enjoy the show, watch this space for news as it happens!

Categories: Are You Being Served | Mid-year Show

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Category: Are You Being Served

Allo Allo 2: The Camembert Caper

Performance Tickets
Fri 14th June Sold Out
Sat 15th June Sold Out
Thu 20th June Available
Fri 21st June Sold Out
Fri 22nd June Sold Out

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Updated 2nd June 2024.


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