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2 November 2012

Tickets on sale now!!

Well folks, that's the tickets for the show now on general release, so you can book your tickets for your preferred performance right away.  Remember though that tickets often sell out fast, so don't delay book yours today!

Ticket prices are: 
£10 for adults / £5 for concessions

Please note that unfortunately we cannot take ticket requests through the website.  Please contact the village hall directly at the address on our contact page, or see a cast member for tickets to our shows.

Categories: Beauty & The Beast | Panto | Tickets

18 October 2012

Poster now online - download yours today!

Beauty and The Beast PosterThat's the Beauty and The Beat poster now available to download and print out. 

So why not print a few out and put up at your work etc!?

Tickets for the show will be available to the public from Friday 2nd November.

Contact the Culter Village Hall on 01224 734371 (please don't phone for tickets before the 2nd November though as they won't be available!)



Categories: Beauty & The Beast | Panto

15 October 2012

Two weeks to perfect those dance moves…

As usual, we're now into the October school holidays, and rehearsals pause for a couple of weeks.  So Thursday last week was our last one, and we ran through all the song and dance routines we've learned so far.

Rehearsals Underway

That doesn't mean that we all go away and forget about panto for a fortnight though.  The cast all have their homework assignments - to practice, practice, practice the songs and dances for the show!  And not only that, but for all the principals to have memorised the scripts for when we get back.

So everyone will be hard at work over the next couple of weeks, and when we get back together we'll all be word - and foot - perfect! (Well there's always a first time! :)


Categories: Beauty & The Beast | Panto

12 September 2012

Casting complete… Rehearsals Underway!

Beauty & The BeastWell, casting is now over for this years Beauty & The Beast panto, and rehearsals are well underway.  Thanks to all who auditioned and congratualations to everyone who got a part this year.

Just to get us in the mood, we were all practising our Christmas song and dance last week (yes I know it's September!). 

Watch this space for updates throughout the run-up to the show.

Categories: Beauty & The Beast | Panto

24 August 2012

Last chance to Audition!

RoseThe first audition night has passed, so if you want to take part in this years panto you only have one more opportunity to audition for a part, so get down to the hall on

  • Tuesday 28th August - 7pm for children and 8.30pm for adults.

We also always need helpers to assist with costumes, scenery and sets, and people to assist with things on the night of the performances.  If you'd like to get involved in any of the back-stage or even front of house work, please get in touch and let us know.  Volunteers are always welcome!

Categories: Beauty & The Beast | Panto

4 July 2012

Posters and Flyers for Beauty & The Beast

Panto PostersYes, it's "Wakey Wakey" time 'cos panto auditions will be happening at the end of August. Wooooooppppeeeeeeee!!

In order to get the word out, we've created some posters and flyers for you to distribute liberally around the place! If everyone could photocopy some and put on noticeboards at work etc., that would be a big help.

Download your copies here:

Categories: Beauty & The Beast | Panto

11 June 2012

Beauty & The Beast Dates Announced

Beauty & The BeastThe 2012 Christmas panto will be Beauty & The Beast, and we've already started the plans and preparations to make it a great show. We've got the show dates organised, so make a note in your diary so as not to miss it:

  • Show Dates:
    Wednesday 5th December -
    Saturday 8th December (inc matinée)

If you would like to be in the panto this year, we'll be running our auditions in August.  We need both children and adults for the main parts and for the chorus - so if you can act, or sing, or dance (or all three!), why not come along and audition:

  • Auditions:
    Thursday 23rd August and Tuesday 28th August
    7pm for children and 8.30pm for adults.

The first rehearsal will be a readthrough on 4th September at 7:30pm.  Please remember, if you want to take part you'll need to be available for rehearsals twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, all evening.  You'll also need to be available for the show dates, and the technical and dress rehearsals from the weekend before.

If you'd prefer just to enjoy the show, we'll see you in December! Tickets will be on sale later in the year, watch this space for more details.

Categories: Beauty & The Beast | Panto

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Category: Beauty & The Beast

Allo Allo 2: The Camembert Caper

Performance Tickets
Fri 14th June Sold Out
Sat 15th June Sold Out
Thu 20th June Available
Fri 21st June Sold Out
Fri 22nd June Sold Out

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Updated 2nd June 2024.


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