Prince Rowan is travelling the country with his friend Thomas before settling down to marry the Princess Horridana according to a betrothal at birth. With him are his nurse Madam Lotte and her son Charlie. They arrive at the village of Prettybelle where Rowan meets Beauty, the daughter of Panisse, a local merchant. He falls …
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Category:Beauty & The Beast
Beauty and the Beast Auditions 2022
This year after a two year hiatus, we're back with our Christmas panto! Our chosen panto this time will be "Beauty and the Beast", and as usual that means it's time to get started with rehearsals! Ever thought you'd like to have a go on stage? Well now's the time to come along to the …
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Rita Hunter Award 2012: “Star Performer”
Last night Culter Theatre Club had a get together of cast and crew to celebrate the success of our most recent pantomime, Beauty and the Beast, which was enjoyed by hundreds of people over five shows just before Christmas. As part of the evening, we also remembered Rita Hunter, who had been a member of …
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Photos from Beauty & The Beast
So another panto year is over, and we hope that you all had as much fun watching as the players did in performing the Culter Theatre Club’s Christmas Panto 2012, Beauty & The Beast. Our five nights were a sell out, and our closing night performance gained a standing ovation! So sit back and take …
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Want to know how long there is to go?
Well, as if you weren’t excited enough about our opening night, you can now keep an eye on exactly how long there is left before it’s “Showtime!”. We’ve added a groovy little countdown timer that’s going to tick away until the moment the panto opens for our first performance at 7.30pm on Wednesday night. So …
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The Final Countdown… One week to go!
Well in just a week’s time the show will open, so the final finishing touches are being put all over the place. From glitter on the scenery to, well, glitter on the cast – as you can see from the photo! Everyone is really excited now, with the last couple of straight rehearsals this week, …
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The last rose withers… time is running out…
Well that’s us just two weeks aways from opening night, and everything is gathering momentum for the big performance week. Stage and sets are being constructed, costumes prepared and of course the cast are busy memorising those tricky bits of dialogue! (How many different ways can I say that line wrong!?) It has to be …
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Tickets on sale now!!
Well folks, that’s the tickets for the show now on general release, so you can book your tickets for your preferred performance right away. Remember though that tickets often sell out fast, so don’t delay book yours today! Ticket prices are: £10 for adults / £5 for concessions Please note that unfortunately we cannot take …
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Poster now online – download yours today!
That’s the Beauty and The Beat poster now available to download and print out. So why not print a few out and put up at your work etc!? Tickets for the show will be available to the public from Friday 2nd November. Contact the Culter Village Hall on 01224 734371 (please don’t phone for tickets before …
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Two weeks to perfect those dance moves…
As usual, we’re now into the October school holidays, and rehearsals pause for a couple of weeks. So Thursday last week was our last one, and we ran through all the song and dance routines we’ve learned so far. That doesn’t mean that we all go away and forget about panto for a fortnight though. …
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