Well that’s panto over for another year, and a huge well done to all the cast, crew and band! Another brilliant show enjoyed by over a thousand people over the five nights. Like us on facebook or sign up to our mailing list on the website here to keep up-to-date with our next productions and …
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Peter Pan Tickets On Sale
It’s that time of year again, and tickets for this years Culter Panto, “Peter Pan” are on sale from Monday 24th October, by contacting the Village Hall. Just pop in or telephone 01224 734371 to get yours. We’ve been working very hard as usual and we’re sure that you’re going to enjoy this fabulous show …
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Allo Allo Cabaret Night!
A cabaret with live music and comedy, and a three course meal in Cafe Rene ( ‘Allo ‘Allo) with your favourite characters played by CTC members of course! To raise funds for Culter village Hall and Culter Theatre Club. BYOB over 18 only. Tickets £20 available from Culter Village Hall, telephone 01224 734371.
Auditions: Peter Pan
Ever thought you’d like to have a go on stage? Well now’s the time to come along and show us your stuff. As ever, we’ve got great plans as always for the show, and whether you want one of the main parts, a supporting role, or just to be one of our great chorus, young …
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Murder at the Pie Auction – Tickets!
Culter Theatre Club Juniors present “Murder at the Pie Auction” a Michael Druce play. Come enjoy afternoon tea (and pies!) in this comedy production. We’ll even have a real pie auction raising funds for Cancer Research UK. Sunday 19th June 2016 at 3pm – Tickets £7/£5. Please come along and support our juniors who are …
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Culter Theatre Club AGM 2016
Please note that the Culter Theatre Club Annual General Meeting date has been set for Tuesday 26th January 2016 at 7.30pm at Culter Village Hall. This is an important meeting in the annual calendar for the club, so club members and supporters should attend! All welcome!