Well the show’s over folks, and we all had an absolute blast. We hope that you enjoyed the show as much as we enjoyed putting it on! We’ve got a whole load of photos which you can see on our Wizard of Oz 2013 album.
We’re off to see the Wizard!!
Well that’s opening night over and we’re all well and truly on the yellow brick road to Oz now folks! Cast and crew were brimming with excitement over the opening! If you were there tonight we hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did, and we’re really looking forward to entertaining all the rest …
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It’s time to play the music… nearly!
Well, the finishing touches are being put to the set, the lights and sound are being tested, the music’s ready to go, costumes are nearly finished, and the cast are (frantically) revising those lines and songs, as we’re really near to opening night. With just a couple of rehearsals left (our technical and dress rehearsals …
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If ever, oh ever, a Wiz there was… Sold Out!
Well thanks to all our fabulous supporters we’ve now SOLD OUT all five performances of the show – and that’s a whole three weeks before the opening night! We’re as amazed as ever at the great support you show the club, and we’re promising to make this the very best show we can. We’ve got …
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Tickets are selling out fast!
Well tickets for both Friday night and Saturday matinée are now SOLD OUT, and there are only a few left for each of the other days, so if you haven’t got yours yet you need to hurry as they’re going quicker than Toto down the Yellow Brick Road!
Wizard of Oz Tickets On Sale!
Well folks – the moment you’ve all been waiting for – yes tickets for this years Culter Panto, “The Wizard of Oz” are on sale from Monday 28th October, by contacting the Village Hall. Just pop in or telephone 01224 734371 to get yours. Over the last few months the club has also been investing …
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Heritage Hall Teas go down a treat!
I think the dedicated team from the theatre club should just about have recovered now after the weekend of baking and serving the teas at the Peterculter Heritage Hall, to raise funds for the club’s sound and lighting project. We had some wonderful baking done by volunteers from the club – and we kept it …
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Would you like a cup of tea with that?
Well Culter Theatre Club were hard at work today serving teas at the Peterculter Heritage Hall. Lots of people from the club had been baking and preparing things, and we had a team of avid club members on hand to prepare the hall and serve our customers in the afternoon. You can see the photo …
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Auditions Over… now comes the hard part!
Well a great big thank you to all the very talented people who came along to audition for parts in this years pantomime, “The Wizard of Oz”. We have some really tough choices to make as there are so many who’d be wonderful in the show. We’ll be undergoing our deliberations this week, and hope …
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Wizard of Oz auditions are here!
Well whether you were expecting it or not, August has crept right up on us – and you know what that means? Yes that’s right: it’s audition time again! This month marks the start of the work in earnest for this year’s panto. So, have you always wanted to have a go on stage but …
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